
Find the latest news, research, articles, interviews, and podcasts from Invest Surrey, BC


Surrey, BC - Developing a Metro Vancouver Entertainment Hub South of the Fraser

Surrey, BC is a strategic and accessible location to become an entertainment hub for the more than 737,000 Metro…


Surrey, BC: Opportunity-Rich and Investment-Ready

Our inaugural Invest Surrey Launchpad launched to a buzzing room of over 150 executive-level industry leaders,…

Real Estate

Surrey Tops List of Best Places to Invest in Real Estate in BC

A new report released today ranks Surrey as the best place for real estate investment in British Columbia.


Are you looking for a tech job in Surrey?

Invest Surrey is partnering with Tech Talent Canada to hold a virtual job fair this month

Business Ecosystem

On Building a Vibrant Downtown Core in Surrey City Centre

Downtown Surrey is still relatively young in its development, but this presents significant opportunities to create…