Surrey, BC - Opportunities Abound in Every Sector
Surrey is rapidly becoming a thriving metropolitan centre and a hub of innovation. Explore your opportunities here:

Surrey is a manufacturing hub with more than 1,100 local manufacturers operating within a thriving manufacturing ecosystem.

Surrey has a thriving agritech ecosystem. Explore agritech investment opportunities in precision farming technologies, farming automation, crop sciences, biotechnology and more.

Surrey is home to a cluster of leading companies in clean technology. Explore clean tech investment opportunities in hydrogen fuel cells, bioplastics, green building materials and more.

Surrey is Metro Vancouver’s digital ICT hub. Connect with us to explore your opportunities in enterprise software & app development, IoT, cybersecurity, data centres & meet-me rooms

Surrey is known as Hollywood North, located at the heart of Metro Vancouver, the #1 Film and TV production centre in North America. Get information on filming your next production here.

Expand your health tech company in Surrey. Find out about investment opportunities in areas such as: bio-wearable medical devices & technologies, medical diagnostics, remote patient monitoring & telehealth and more.
Surrey’s tourism & hospitality sector is ready for recovery and growth, as demand for hotel rooms over the next decade is anticipated to grow and outpace supply. Explore your opportunities in the sector.

Retail and entertainment investment opportunities in Surrey are growing as the population grows. Explore the opportunities to invest in one of BC’s most sought-after cities.